Starting from the top
We had a training transmission on Wednesday that was three hours long all in Spanish and my head was hurting so bad by the end. It was overall good though. It was basically everything that we learned in CCM over again. We were fed lunch and it was amazing. La Bandera Dominicana. Rice has come to be my best friend. Also, on Friday we ate lunch at a members house and the food was amazing except for avacados. I have gone my whole life never eating avacado because I was sure I wouldn't like it, and I don't.
HAHA, okay so during lanuage study we read the scriptures in Spanish and then translate each verse. I was reading Alma 43.19 and the very end directly translated says "and also to protect themselves in the head". Hermana Meldrum and I and were laughing so hard. It's the correct translation, it just isn't good English.
The hardest part about baptizing people here is that they don't get married legally. After living together for some years they just call themselves husband and wife and think they are legally married. They know that the church is true, but they dont want to get married to their person and it's so frustrating. They have to come to church three times before they can be baptized and church is at 8am. Nobody wants to get up that early, and Sundays are the days that they wash their hair. So if church interrupts that then they won't come.
I have found The Jugo of life. Its Chinola con Avena. Wow! I could drink that all day erry day.
We had 30 lessons this past week which is awesome. YAYYY!!!!
I was reading in Revelations this last week and if you haven't read that do it, because woah, crazy things!
We had a zone activity today which was a ton of fun. We played some volleyball and had hot dogs for lunch and then talked about school and stuff. My zone is so great. A lot of them only speak Spanish, and I'm not quite good enough for regular conversasions that are not about gospel things. I don't know any of the vocab for that really, but I'm getting there. Hermana Meldrum said my accent has gotten wayyy better!
I've got a pretty sweet tan line on my feet. and tons of misquito bites. I'll try to get a picture on the dropbox with it.
Okay, have a great week all!
Hermana Shepherd