Monday, December 26, 2016

Merry Christmas!

HELLOOOO! Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all had a great time. I got to talk to my family so that was fun. I may have cried a little.

This morning at about one in the morning I woke up to a lizzard biting my arm. I always laughed when people said they were afraid of them. but IT HURTS. I was on the verge of crying.   Holy cow. 
We went to the Gardens today. It was gorgeous. I want to go back. I could have spent hours there. We also contacted a guy who was visiting the gardens and wants to know more about the church and was so happy when we testified to him and said that we answered one of his life questions. We are sending the missionaries to him!

Everyone invited us to eat which was AWESOME. I opened all my presents!
Thank you to all who sent me things  :)

We had the chirstmas party for the misson. it was very funny. My mom sent in some of my baby pictures and they showed them on the big screen.... thanks mom.... haha. 

I sent my mom a ton of pictures so I hope she will put them up for all of you to see. I hope you all had a good christmas! love you all bye!

 At the gardens
 This is Fany and her husband, they are investigators that has us over for Christmas, they are such great people.
 Mission Christmas party!
 Me and my comp Hermana Villamar
 The mission Christmas party
 Me and my old comp Hermana Jackson
At the gardens

Sorry it's sideways, I am not sure how to fix it.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Enjoying the fruits of our labors

Hello all,

It's been a great week. I have a new companion, Hermana Villamar.  She is from Peru.  She is alot of fun and we get along great!  I am very excited about this transfer.  The past two transfers have been pretty hard because we have really struggled in finding people to teach.  But now I can say that we have 6 people preparing for baptism on Dec 23rd.  We are finally seeing the fruits of our labors over the last few months.  It is so exciting!  On date for baptism are : Roberta and her mom, they are Hatian.  Melvin who is the son of a less active member.  Then we have Fany and her daughter and son.  On top of that we two more people who are potentials and two others we just met who came with us to a conference we had yesterday.  I am so excited!!    Also we met a Hatian couple the other day that we are going to walk to church on Sunday :) 
 I feel so blessed to be able to teach so many people.

On Wednesday we had new leader training meeting with the Mission President.  It was amazing!  We started by defining the word prophecy.  In every calling we have we are called by prophecy.  This means that before the world was even created we were called to the callings that we have.  Most importantly we have been prepared in the life before this, and we are being prepared everyday in our lives until we receive the call on earth.  So when we receive callings we can have the faith that we are ready for them.

As Christmas approaches let us all remember that we each have great worth.  As leaders and members and children of god, everyone around us has the same potential that we do.  Let's help them see it!   

Love and miss you all!  Can't wait to skype with you soon!

Hermana Shepherd

Me opening one of the scripture presents my mom sent.

Monday, December 5, 2016


In the August 2016 Liahona there is a talk by David A Bednar called "The lords will and timing."   This is something that I have been focusing on a ton this transfer.   The talk tells of a newly married couple that  after only 3 weeks of marriage the groom finds out he has cancer with only a 30% chance of survival.  Elder Bednar went to visit this man and before giving him a blessing asked him a few questions.  One being "John, do you have the faith not to be healed?"   "Do you have the faith to submit to his will?"

The talk goes on to say that certainly Heavenly Father can heal him, but maybe that's not what needs to be done.  John decided that he didn't want to die, but if it was the will of the father then he would accept it.   John commented after the blessing that he thought because Elder Bednar was an apostle the blessing would be different, but it wasn't.    He used the exact words that all the others did when giving a blessing.  God's power and will is the same, always!

I have been working a lot lately on following Gods will whether or not it be what I want. Transfers are this week and President came to me and extended the call for me to be a Hermana leader.  He went on to say, sorry it's long awaited.  I would have extended the call a long time ago, you have enough wisdom, you are diligent, obedient, and a great missionary.   I just didn't want to push you more than you could handle with the health problems you have been experiencing.  

I am thankful to him and I know that I am now ready to handle the calling of Hermana leader, it's all in the lords time.  I am staying in Los Frailles with a new companion Hermana Villamas from Peru.  I am very excited about this new adventure, but sad to not be companions with Hermana Castillo anymore.

Great news - we had 6 investigators at church on Sunday.  We have struggled to find new investigators in this area so that was awesome.  Again in the lords time.  We just have to put in the hard work and the lord will do the rest.

We are working with a woman named Roberta. We found her on the street and she is golden :)  She is very excited to become part of our religion. 

Everything else is good here, I am feeling better and it's only 20 days until I get  to skype for Christmas.  Yah!!!

Love you all,

Hermana Shepherd