NEWS: I got my flight stuff yesterday. I leave the CCM at 6am on Monday by bus to the Mexico city airport and catch a flight at nine in the morning. From there I will fly to PANAMA CITY, PANAMA and have a two hour layover. Then straight on to the Dominican Republic! For those of you who don't know, I am terrified of airports. not the flying but the airport and security and stuff, but it will be great. I am super excited to get there and feel like a for real missionary. I will proabably be the only missionary on my flight
This morning we had the opportunity to go to the Mexico City temple. It was an amazing experience. I wish I had more time to explain, but I don't. It was so great. It was a half hour bus ride through Mexico City and wow, they are some scary drivers. Also, I am so blessed to have grown up in the US. It's amazing to see the difference between the two places in the world.
Next time I send out a mass email it should be from the DR so thats super amazing. I am so excited!! Its going to be great!
If y'all get the chance please watch the video on that is the #asaviorisborn. It is a really, really good video.
Thank you all for the letters and packages they make my day!
Last thing, I'm going to add some photos of the past week and the temple onto dropbox so look out for those.
Hermana Shepherd