As of yesterday, I have been in the DR for two whole months! Wow, time flies!
This week was good. We had a cita with one of our investagators and the Mission President was able to come and give a little tema. It was very good.
We are going to the temple on Wednesday so I had to write really early this morning.
I am really excited for this chill day. On Friday ALL of our citas or appointments fell through so we walked all day long. I got home and did planning and then fell asleep by 9.45.
We have been working a lot with the members this last week and I have really seen the difference in them. We have a family home evening planned for every night this next week.
We have a family that we are teaching and they are the cutest family I have ever met. I hope they are prepared to receive the gospel, I want so badly for them to be sealed together.
I can really feel myself getting lost in the work. I love this so much and I recommend that everyone who can to serve a mission. I am so full of joy from this work.
I had to give a talk on Sunday in church and then we sang "Come Thou Fount" in Spanish. it was very pretty. Hermana Stoker also talked and she talked for 25 minutes!! Holy cow. Earlier this week I was going to say holy cow but I ended up saying holy pancakes on accident. haha!
Love and miss you guys!
Hermana Shepherd