One week from today I will finish my mission. This has been an experience that I will never forget. Thank you to all those who have supported me during my time here.
I just want to share a small testimony of the reality of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know we have a father in heaven who loves us and cares what happens to us on a day to day basis. He listens and answers our prayers no matter how small and simple they are. I have felt his guidance daily in so many ways. I know that we have a divine purpose here on this earth and we are here to learn and grow so one day we will have the opportunity to become like our heavenly father.
I know that Jesus was the only person that could atone for the sins of the world that by him and through him and of him we can be saved. We can use his atonement in our lives and feel the load taken from our shoulders. I know that the father talks to us through his prophets, and that Thomas S Monson is a prophet of god that is on the earth today, and he holds the keys to lead the church in these last days.
As challenging as some of the days of my mission have been I have really loved every minute of the time I have spent teaching and serving the people of the Dominican Republic. I am so grateful for a wonderful Mission President and his wife. They are truly called of god. I feel like the lord has brought me here to the perfect place at the perfect time for me. I have met so many people in my mission that will be my friends for eternity and I give thanks to my Heavenly Father. Leaving will be bittersweet, but I feel like I accomplished what I came here to do.
See you all soon,
Hermana Shepherd
Just a quirky Washingtonian girl called to serve in the Dominican Republic Santo Domingo East Mission.
Monday, May 15, 2017
Monday, May 8, 2017
Special Transfers
We had special transfers this week. I am leaving soon and my companion is getting moved to the mission office at that time so in order for our area to not be doubled out (two new missionaries) I am getting Hermana Rojas from Mexico as my companion. So for the next two weeks it is my job to introduce her to the area and all the people we have been working with. Our area is huge. It is four areas put together, so it will be a challenge, but we can do it!
Other than that not much happened this week. We have been in the mission office quite alot this week getting ready for this change and doing a few other errands. It has been really nice working with Pres. Corbitt. He is such a wonderful man and he and Sister Corbitt will be truly missed in this mission. They will be released at the end of June.
Last but not least, we are working to get a couple people baptized before I go home.
Its been an awesome week :) It's going to be hard to leave the wonderful people of the Dominican Republic. I will truly miss this place and the work!
Love you all,
Hermana Shepherd
Just one of the many sisters I will miss.
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