This week was so good! We have been working really hard. We received our transfers and my companion and I are staying together until February 1st, and then we will have some sort of emergency transfer for the sisters. President received a revelation that we should all stay put until February. I am not sure why, but I am good with this because I have some baptisms that I don't want to miss.
Two really cool things happened this week:
Miracle #1 -
We went to teach Sylvia. She is a less active due to her health. She has some sort of disease in her lungs which make it hard for her to get alot of oxygen. She is very strong though. We visit her once or twice a week. We went this past Saturday and I told her that we were having transfers and it was very likely that I would be leaving the area. She got really sad and said "they always take them when we get really close." Then she thanked me for everything and reminded me of a time when she was really sick and hooked up to her oxygen tank and we showed up. She said she hadn't slept for days due to coughing and pain, but that night we showed up and shared a scripture with her. Lucas 22, when Christ was atoning for our sins. In that scripture in says that an angel appeared to strengthen him. Then we told her that she had angels around her and she looked hard enough she could see them. She explained that we were her angels who had appeared to strengthen her in her time of need. She said that after we left she was able to sleep peacefully for the first time in days.
I left her house crying. I was the answer to her prayer. I am so glad I was able to be a tender mercy in someones life.
Miracle #2 of this week -
I went to the doctor and got an ultrasound to see if the nodule on my thyroid had grown. At the end of the ultrasound the tech asked me why I was there and I told her that I needed to know if the nodule on my thyroid had grown and she said she could not find a nodule!! So, in the course of time my nodule has reabsorbed into my thyroid and it's gone!!! YAASSS!! On top of that I have been feeling great.
On Wednesday I will complete 14 months in the mission. Can you believe it!!
Love you all,
Hermana Shepherd
This is Tammi, I just wanted to share a special email that Brittin received from her mission president.
Dear Hermana Shepherd,
I just have to tell you what a wonderful, bright light I see and feel shining from you these days! Congratulations! You are so positive and powerful and confident and full of faith, and it is amazing to see. Hermana Corbitt told me how you exercised faith to be healed through a priesthood blessing and you were! Of course you were! You have tapped into (and are tapping into) that exceptional, exceedingly great faith you also possessed in the premortal world and you are bringing it to bear here and now - for your own health and happiness, for your investigators.
Thank you, thank you. I'm so glad you are in that zone where there are so many sisters who can benefit from your goodness and your faith. Keep up the good work.
The Lord continue to keep you and bless you, dear friend!
Pte Corbitt
Brandon/Tammy, THANKS SO much for posting this. I wish I received EVERY letter that our missionaries send. They are so very uplifting and spiritual! It's great to know what a marvelous missionary Brittin is! Thank you, thank you, thank you, for raising such a beautiful, sweet spirit! Love you all! Pete
If I can see her letters on a blog, please give me the link. Thank you!
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