I have been trying super hard this past week to always have the spirit with me so I can talk through it, and say what I need to in lessons and real life. It's been so great. I have had a lot of experiences with it this week.
I had tons of experiences to share that were just amazing.
First, I was in a lesson with our investagador who is actually our teacher, Hermano Cruz. He was talking about how he hasn't received an answer to his prayers yet and out of nowhere I remembered this scripture that I read one time last week and I knew exactly where it was. How, you may ask? The holy ghost brought to my remembrance the things which I had studied. So that was amazing. After the lesson Hermano Cruz said that he could see the light come on in my face when I realized I knew a perfect scripture for him. We both were on the verge of crying because the spirit was so strong. That scripture btw is D&C 64:31 - 33.
Another cool experience that I had was in testimony meeting on Sunday. While the branch president was talking I felt impressed to open my scriptures. While I was looking at them I saw my tab for Words of Mormon and I thought, I need to read this right now so I read verse 6 and 7. 7 hit me so hard and the spirit told me share it now, so I got up IN TESTIMONY MEETING and shared this scripture IN SPANISH to the people of my zone. The scripture is Words of Mormon verse 7.
Funny thing. Yesterday I was talking with Hermano Cruz and he asked me what my favorite book was and I yelled ENOS, but he was actually talking about like non Book of Mormon books. So that was pretty awkward.
Also, my spirit animal is officially a Fox so that is a thing now.
The food here is getting kinda boring. I eat like two donuts a day so that I can stop losing weight. They eat real spicy food here.
So if y'all want, you can send emails to this email letter@ mtcmexicocarepackage.com and I will get it in letter form the same day. I love it when I get things. It makes my day, so send things please. I don't care if it's something super boring its just nice getting things.
days feel like weeks and the weeks feel like days.
SEND ME LETTERS TO THIS EMAIL PLZZZ letter@ mtcmexicocarepackage.com
Hermana Shepherd
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